• Choice

Get Hooked on Heather Angnatok’s Fish Skin Earrings

The Life Aquatic

Sep 06, 2020
by Alysa Procida

Although the material of these unique earrings is likely not immediately recognizable to most, the texture is arresting. Made from fish skin leather, the subtle decorative patterning evokes the way waves can ripple across the surface of water and is undeniably tactile. This once prevalent technique is now being revived by artists across Inuit Nunangat like Heather Angnatok, expanding the ways that artmaking can help to strengthen cultural practices while bringing more beauty into the world. This is all the more important since, as wearable art, these earrings let the wearer showcase this revived knowledge in a deeply personal yet public way, all while looking incredible. 

— Alysa Procida, Executive Director and Publisher


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